Tobias Ambre Ohmer, my ggg grandfather, sailed from LeHavre, France to New Orleans, arriving on June 16, 1851. The Captain was listed as W. J. Fales.
The Aug 1, 1857 edition of the New York Shipping and Commercial lists that the Carrack was bound for Liverpool from New Orleans when it caught fire and sunk Southwest of the Tortugas. It states that the ship was owned in Thomaston, Maine and was built December 8, 1849.
The Cutler files states the Master was A. Snow and the owner was R. Walsh. She was surrendered Aug 7, 1857.
Ship CARACK, (Not COSSACK,) from New Orleans to Liverpool, was the vessel as before suggested destroyed by fire S. W. of Tortugas. A letter to the Charleston Courier, from Key West, says that her cargo consisted of 2780 bales of cotton , and that the ship was valued at $30,000, and the cargo at $200,000. The crew were saved, but the vessel and cargo are a total loss – fully insured. The Carack was owned in Thomaston, where she was built in 1849, 875 tons register.
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